2024 US Open Tennis App Reviews

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If youre deep in tennis, this one is better than the apps of the other three slams.

Always love this app

Great app, cant wait for the U.S. Open!!!

Loving this years app!

Cant wait for the start!

Looks terrible on 6 Plus

Whats up with the text box formatting? The content barely takes up half the screen


App is awesome every year


It has a place to select favorite players, but it wont save the selections, nor does it have any way to track those favorites. It does provide scores and stories (that are just as easily found elsewhere). The one thing saving it from deletion is the bracket challenge - where if I get REALLY lucky, I might win something.

Cant refresh scores easily

Also cant filter matches by category ("womens singles" etc). but no "pull to refresh" feature is disappointing. seems like there should be a tab for just video stream too

Great app

Before you can watch the match without espn now i have to download the app???!!!not good


The only reason I use this app is to listen to matches in the car. Unfortunately, the radio crashes every 30 seconds. Is it possible for me to sit with my phone in my hand, constantly toggling the "stop/play" button while driving? Absolutely not! Every other year this feature had worked flawlessly. PLEASE FIX THIS! Sincerely, A tennis lover and commuter


This app used to allow me to watch the matches Live steaming. This year ESPN has seemed to cash out on their monopoly and wont allow the app to show the matches. Dont like the app anymore.

Intuitive, feature-rich, great excess ability!

Wow! I am very impressed with this app. First, it is extremely easy to use and navigate. Second, I really enjoy that I can watch matches live and set all kinds of notifications with players. I also really enjoy the bracket challenge. Though I did not do very well so far, it is fun to pick Match outcomes in advance. I also appreciate that tabs are implemented in the app now, so it is even easier to move from one part of the app to another. The schedule layout is much improved as well. Most importantly for me, however, is the great accessibility with voiceover. I really appreciate the work that has been done so that I can hear just about every part of the app spoken. In the past, the video section has been very inaccessible, as most videos were not labeled. But that is no longer the case now as all videos are labeled, so that I know exactly what Im about to listen to. Though there could be some slight accessibility improvements in the bracket challenge, ultimately, I had Little trouble picking The players. The latest, schedule, and players screens are mostly accessible with only a few unlabeled buttons. I have very little trouble navigating these screens. Its great! The scores tab needs a bit of work, as voiceover does not read the scoring statistics very well because of the table format. Though I have not viewed every option under the more tab, I have enjoyed using the videos and the bracket challenge options. The feedback section needs a bit of work, but if a user stays with it, that user should be able to figure out how this section works. Thank you for the work that you have done to prepare this app for accessibility. With voiceover I appreciate your continued work to make it fully accessible. Thank you!

Terrible 2015 version

Mine doesnt work at all. Tried deleting and reinstalling twice. No results. Worst tennis app in the last several years. Found tunein radio also has the broadcast.

Blue text links impossible to read

2015 Review: App much better than last year and like the links to each courts live video. The blue links on a blue background of a very similar color are almost impossible to read. Please fix. --- 2014 Review: Have to watch an IBM commercial before every short video clip, most not worth watching like Baldwin advertising the US Open. I understand ads help pay the bills but then give us something that is actually worth watching.

Very Poor effort.

This app is terrible. You can select your favorite players but doesnt track them for you nor does it show when they are playing next like the other grand slam apps. Dont waste your space on your phone with this mess.

By far the worst Open App of the 4 Opens

No links to players. Auto updates almost non-existent. Last night the draws for the 2nd day not even filled even though all matches were completed except for 3.

Reflection of American Tennis

Of the four Grand Slam apps, the US Open app is easily the worst. There are endless problems and inadequacies, which other reviewers discuss at length. Tragically, the app reflects the state of American tennis (minus Serena) on the whole, no substance and riddled with weakness.

Awful Awdul Awful

Difficult to navigate, poorly updated, no additional value compared to mobile site. Just google U.S. open. The Google live results are way easier to access than this app or mobile site. Really this is a terrible co-branding for IBM. You build Watson and this app. Really sad.

Stopped working

For the first few days of the tournament this app worked. Not very well, though. It would take 30 seconds for the scores to refresh when it opened. Now the app doesnt work at all. It is devoid of content.


It is 4:48PM. They are still posting this mornings results as "In Progress!"


Wont update on my iPod touch! Still seeing Wednesday matches but it is Thursday! I click on Mens Singles and get Wed. Womens Singles. Now using kindle fire

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